Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Greetings from LCS:

Due to overwhelming response to our last blog posting announcing the imminent end of our Stage B spaceship sets, we have postponed removal of the sets.  The phone was ringing off the hook--apparently everyone in town suddenly needed a spacey sci-fi setting.  As a result, we will oblige our clients and keep the sets standing through the end of January, and possibly through the end of February, depending on the demand.

We are still planning to install a white cyc on Stage B eventually, including other amenities such as a kitchenette, upstairs production offices, and more.

LCS is also offering a discount through the end of this year to members of the Digital Cinema Society--20% off our base stage rentals.

That's it for now, but check back for more updates.  Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

                                Mary Claypool, Rental Manager
LCS - 9337 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Arleta, CA 91331-4315 Copyright Laurel Canyon Stages