Hi everybody:
LCS would like to thank all of you who attended last Saturday's GearNex seminar. We had a great turnout with a diverse group of attendees ranging from industry professionals to aspiring student filmmakers. Veteran camera operator Michael Frediani offered industry insight drawn from his own experiences, as well as instruction and hands-on instruction on the GearNex geared camera head. Thanks also go out to Bret Allen and Joe Mendoza of CineToys for providing us with the opportunity to feature their GearNex head.
For those who would like to try out the GearNex camera head or just get some more practice time under your belt, LCS invites you to call us to schedule a FREE HAND-ON SESSION with our GearNex head at our facility. Sessions are based on availability and are by appointment only. To schedule a session, please contact our office at (818) 768-8935 or via e-mail: mary@lcstages.com.
Heads up! Quite literally, our Stage B spaceship set restroom has been ripped up and torn out to the 2'x4's. The restroom is being expanded, plus an enclosed kitchenette area will be installed. These and more amenities are currently in progress at LCS, because our goal is to meet and exceed the stage rental needs of our clients.
On a lighter note, check out the latest on-line webisode of "College Humor," who recently shot some hilarious material on our spaceship sets. You can't miss our sets in their Star Wars-esque spoof.
Keep your eyes peeled on our blog for more news and updates.
Mary Claypool, Rental Manger